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Tuesday 25 September 2012

Yucky Mucky Hospital

Hello I am back it has been many days sins i last wrote because i was sic and then i hadto go to the hospital and the hospital has no intrnet.

I had to go because I had low TLC. TLC is the white blood cells in our body and it eats up all the germs. I was very angry in the hospital but what could I do? So my mummy got me some lego from the house. I made a new friend in the hospital, she had leukemia too! We both played in my room and we made a mask . We watched a Movie- Harry Potter and the sorcerer's Stone. Then one of my doctors, her name is Dr. Akanksha, asked me if the owl in this movie had a name? I did not remember. I think there was one owl who had a name and one who did not.  Can you tell me if it had a name and what it was?

My Lego creation

Sometimes I dont like my doctors because they poke me and prick me :( And I like them when they send me home :) I am very happy then.



  1. The Dog's name was Fluffy, I don't remember the Owl's name..

  2. Isn't the owl's name Hedwig? I think so...

  3. Welcome you on your blog again. I like to read you so maney times. I was there, when you watched the movie HARRY POTTER with your friend.I think the name of the OWL was AALOO.

  4. Hey Risa, I'm gad you're feeling much better now. Isn't Lego fun? I still have some of my Lego bricks from childhood and will love to show them to you when you come over home. :)
    The owl is a Snowy Owl and it's called Hedwig. The next time you need to pass time, you should see the Nanny McPhee movies or one of my old favourites, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. They're great fun and I'm sure you'll enjoy watching them very much!

  5. Hi Risa!! hope you liked your report card. Mom told me that you will be back in school soon and i was so happy to hear that. we are missing you a lot and want you back in class. lovely to read your blog....its really lovely!! take care and call me up and speak to me some time. God Bless!!

  6. Hi Risa,
    I did not know you were so creative !!! Jute bags, painting, cooking, legos... you don't stop for one minute these days.... Fleur and you also made beautiful dolls yesterday. I hope all went well today. If you are ok, we will come on wednesday. Lots and lots of love from the Nizamuddin Frogs

  7. Dear Risa,
    Thanks for sharing your blog with me. You're such a creative soul and so inspiring. I am sure you will inspire others as much as you inspired me today. I don't like doctors too but after your chat with me I feel a little braver. I will try your tricks so I don't feel scared anymore. I sadly don't know what the Owl was called. I might have to cheat and ask Sujata maam. Other fun movies to watch are Mary Poppins, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Beethoven and Lassie. Hope your doctor gets you some coloring books soon so you don't get bored. Thanks for coming to see me and Sujata maam for school orientation. I look forward to learning more from you. Hugs,
    Pritha Ma'am (Shri Ram School Counselor)
