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Sunday, 5 April 2015

midnight monster

It was a dark nigh. Bloom lay restless in her bed thinking only about a glass of tangy juice.Finally she got  up and stepped inside the kitchen.She sniffed the air. there was an unusual smell in the air. It was a disgusting smell.Bloom covered her nose.Ewwww! she muttered under her breath.She started to follow it as she was a curious girl. The smell got stranger.She heard some spooky sounds.She followed the sounds and reached a table. there was nothing on top of it so she looked under it.

there it was staring right at her. For a moment she thought  she was DEAD!
when she was out of shock she saw that was a dark brown monster under the table! her mind flashed of images of the monster coming out and killing her.Then she heard it was whimpering and saw it was stuck. Though she was scared she was a kind girl.She called out,'come out  don't be scared'.Then she tried to pull it out.

When the monster came out it rose and looked scarier than ever.
lightning flashed thunder clashed. "MWHAHAHA" it cackled.

"you are a kind but foolish girl",it said

bloom felt herself falling into darkness . She opened her eyes. She was still on her bed and it was still night.

"What?? She said sleepily. "Oh it was just a nightmare!" she said waking up.

And she stepped into the kitchen as she still wanted a glass of sapid juice.

She stopped and sniffed the air, there was a disgusting smell and then she heard some spooky sounds AGAIN...

Authors - Maya, Kritam, Sarvika and Risa.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

another poem!

hi today  I will tell you a poem I wrote about friends.


there is someone special in my life,
someone who always there for me,
a friend who's always by my side,
in my darkest times,
and when I am stuck in a poem she gives me loads of rymes
never did she turn her back,
never did she let me fall,
never did she say I cant do this,
never did she let me give up'
god really did some thing special,
when he blessed me with someone like you.