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Sunday, 2 December 2012

I went to Tara Tots

Last week I went to Tara Tots to help them set up their library. I helped my mother set up the library. And I made some paper chains for decoration.

For the tiny baby books we put a basket to keep them in. A Orange sticker on the books for children up to 3 years. for children 3 to 5 years old we used blue sticker, for children 5 to 7 we used green color stickers.

This is how you make paper chains. Take as many papers as you want of different colors and take a scale to draw lines and cut strips of paper. Take a strip and fold it into a circle and tape it and then take another strip , pass it through the first circle and tape its ends and then keep going like that until you think it's done for you.

You can see the paper chain I made !


Dadi's Birthday

On saturday it was my Dadi's birthday. I had not made a cake and I had not got any gifts. Then when she came I had an idea. Mummy was getting her a saree, I thought I could make her a cake when they were in the market. So I made a cake , everyone said it was delicious. I could tell you the recipe and I will!

180 gm butter
4 table spoons cocoa
2 cups flour
one cup sugar
one cup milk
3 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla

1. mix dry ingredients.
2. Add butter, milk , eggs and vanilla
3. Beat for 3 to 4 minutes
4. put it in a greased tin
5. bake it for 40 - 50 minutes



I made a cinquain for my school newspaper. Should I tell you the cinquain or should I not! What do you think? I think I should. I wrote a cinquain for my Daddy and I will tell it to you.

This is what I wrote for Daddy-

Silly and loving
Jumping, Paddy hater , Party hater
Makes us happy when at home

And here is my Daddy's reply-

Cheese and Chilly
Naughty, loving, fun. cool, smart
Trouble daddy when at home

Now I am telling you the one I wrote for my school Newspaper-

Animals in the Zoo
Fun and Frolic
Jumping, sleeping, eating
Makes me want to hop
City Jungle!